When I Grow Up

Revenge of the Sith

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Episode 3 in the Star Wars films. Written & Directed by George Lucas. Starring: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Jimmy Smits, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, Christopher Lee…
Yes, my husband has made me sit and watch all the other Star Wars films every night this week, finishing, of course, with Revenge of the Sith on Thursday. He has always been a Star Wars nut, but isn’t one of those who feel George Lucas has betrayed them with his new three. Anyway, on to the film; you want to know if it’s any good right? Well, yes it is; I enjoyed it a lot and I didn’t fall asleep even for a minute! So, non-Star wars fans, you won’t need to complain too much if you’re dragged off to the cinema by your other half to watch it. But your bum will ache by the end of it. God those seats are uncomfortable!
Anyway, the effects were what I expected them to be – absolutely fantastic. There wasn’t a moment that didn’t look unreal. The new creatures – mostly robots must’ve taken years to invent and design. The whole plans of the cinematography seemed to be on a higher level this year and it noticed. The camera angles were far more imaginative without being obvious – we were taken round these worlds and planets; not just shown them.
Plot-wise; well it filled in the gaps as was expected to do, but it was no way a stand-alone film. And my favourite of them all has been Episode 2. Anyway, I really couldn’t see how they were going to get Annekin to turn to the dark side. Yes, we had hints before; then there were several hints and ‘I’m confused’ in the first half of the film, and then, oh, all of a sudden he’s swishing his light-sabre through younglings with barely a care in the world!
Really, the only plot going on was the love-story between Annekin and Padme, and that wasn’t exactly all that interesting, especially when they changed Padme’s character so much. Episode 1 she’s a wise queen; 2 she’s a courageous bold intelligent sennet; 3 she’s what? If she has got a job it’s not clear. For all the worry about being pregnant, we’re not told any consequences and she seems to have turned into a naïve house-wife who doesn’t seem to notice what’s happening to Annekin when it’s glaringly obvious to everyone else!
So those are my criticisms, but don’t let it put you off, it’s still a great film and will sit well in the collection of Star Wars. And Ewan McGregor still looks horny even with his grown-up sweep-over hairstyle!

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