When I Grow Up

The Florida Mall

Just a quick note about this shopping mall in Florida…

The advice on The Dibb was to travel an extra half an hour to a different mall, (can’t remember the name, sorry), but we couldn’t be bothered! So we went here. My thinking was to go shopping on a Saturday because the theme parks are meant to be busiest then, however, I’m not sure this was the right thing to do as the mall was so busy. It was packed and felt quite uncomfortable. To be honest, I was also a bit disappointed in it and didn’t buy anything for myself. J C Penny’s was the best shop there, and we bought Rain’s prom dress (forward planning for nearly a whole year ahead!) and a party dress for Jude to keep her happy. The shop had their ‘Home Coming’ dresses out and on 40% off sale, so we took advantage of that and got some bargains. Rain’s also happy that no-one else at school will have the same dress! As a treat for being so good on the holiday, we also bought Rain a pair of knee-high converses and Jude an Abbey Dawn hoody; also both a bargain compared to British prices. Hot topic was a bit of a let-down though because they only had band branded t-shirts and no other cool clothes as it was a fairly small shop. I’m glad we got the things for the kids because their reactions really cheered me up, but I couldn’t help being a bit disappointed that there was nothing there for me – the clothes were so boring. Even the H&M was full of really dull clothes – not like its shops in Britain at all. Never mind.


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