When I Grow Up

Fairytale coats

Well, we think we have solved the chimney problem. We were doing well with sweeping it ourselves, but unfortunately, the brush snapped off the end of the stick part way up and we couldn’t get it down again. In the end we decided to light the Rayburn anyway and let the bristles melt. So at the moment, the Rayburn is going really well, but part of a sweep brush is still stuck up there! We’re warmer inside than we’ve been all winter, but the wind outside is icy cold. I’ve been looking around Etsy for some snuggly winter coats to keep warm in on those crisp walks in the countryside…

I’ve seen four or five rainbows already this year. Where I live, on top of a hill looking into a valley; the rain always seems to be on top of us, but in the afternoons the sun nearly always pops out briefly from behind Glastonbury Tor and sweeps through the valley, giving me a beautiful rainbow to look at. This gorgeous coat from TPF Faerie Wear would make me happy every time I wore it; just like seeing the rainbows from my window does.

I love this photo of the misty woodland with the ground covered in crisp dead leaves. It makes me imagine naughty goblins enticing the traveller away from the safety of the path. The pixie shapes of this coat by Zizzyfay Wear make it perfect for joining in the faerie fun amongst the trees.

Speaking of getting lost in the woods; how Little Red Riding Hood is this stunning coat from Armstreet in the Ukraine? It has strong styling of European medieval fairy tales and I love the black pattern detailing and the cloaky-style sleeves.


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