When I Grow Up

Guy Fawkes Night attire

I’m not sure my American readers will know who Guy Fawkes was, so just in case, here’s a little history lesson: Some guy called Guy Fawkes wanted a Catholic king, so on November 5th 1605  he attempted to blow up the House of Lords. He was caught, tortured and died for his trouble, and for some unknown reason, we celebrate this failed attempt at rebellion. We Brits love a tryer I suppose. So every year we have bonfires and fireworks displays and pretend it’s warm enough for a barbecue in the dark – usually run by the local Scout group…

So anyway, here’s a selection of fire inspired clothing, including a dress I made that I’m particularly proud of.

I love the flaming trim on this 50s style dress by Bijutsusan.



And if you’re going to a fireworks party as a fairy, then this pair of beautiful organza wings by Fairytrade are the perfect accessory…



In fact they would go beautifully with my fire inspired dress at the top, by Oshun…



Be safe with those sparklers!

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