When I Grow Up

Adulting: A series of things I should’ve learned by now – Keeping receipts


I always have the best intentions of keeping receipts. In fact, I gasp in horror when people throw away a receipt before they’ve even tried on the item of clothing; or plugged in the toaster – let alone keeping them for a year at least! Like everything in my house, I struggle to throw anything anyway in case it comes in useful one day. Keeping the receipts isn’t the problem – it’s keeping them in an orderly manner that is. As you can see from the photo, I currently stuff all receipts in the same cupboard that I keep the ketchup and honey. Why I do this? That’s anyone’s guess….

The cupboard is in the store room which the kids are currently helping me sort out for a few minutes every Thursday and Saturday, so quite soon we’re going to get to the receipts! I am determined to give them a proper home. In fact within that proper home I will have envelopes on which I will date all the receipts. So when that gift needs returning or the dishwasher breaks, I will spend a lot less time sorting through the screwed up pieces of paper in the cupboard (and the ones that have landed in and around the teabags beneath the cupboard) to find the receipt I need.

Do you think Sod it – if it goes wrong, it goes wrong. Or do you keep your receipts neatly organised?

This is the first in a series about how to adult. Let me know if there are any topics you’d like me to cover and at the end of the year I’ll do a round-up of how I get on. Thank you!

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