When I Grow Up

The Snow Queen

Image to come

a BBC television film of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale

We recorded this as we knew there was no way we we’d be watching the telly on Christmas Day morning; and to be honest, I really shouldn’t have bothered! I feel guilty in saying it, because I can imagine how long and hard the makers of this worked, but the actualy film didn’t match how exciting the trailers on telly made it look.

It wasn’t that it was bad. It was actually good, but so incredibly boring! Even the most cultured of upper class children would not have been amused by it! As an exercise in layering cumputer generated images with real actors, it was a success; although the effect took a little getting used to; I would have got used to it had it interested me. It was basically classical music, with the odd song telling us what was going on, and the occasional snippit of dialogue which was even dubbed over by Juliet Stevenson and Patrick Stewar instead of having the voices of the real children who had the struggle of acting almost entirely with a green screen behind them. I was looking forward to watching this, but I’m afraid to say I found it dull and uninteresting.

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