When I Grow Up

Roxy’s Baby

I wish I’d read this sooner (espcially as it’s the book recommended by Amazon when you buy mine!)It is Roxy’s Baby by Catherine Macphail (a fellow nominee for the Lancashire Book Award 2006)

This is not the book you may expect from the title. It is certianly not a run-of-the-mill story about teenage pregnancy, as you’ll guess from the blurb: “Roxy was shaking with fear. She drew in a deep breath. She would not let her fear take over. She couldn’t. She had too much to lose. She had to be strong, to be brave. For once in her life she had to think of someone other than herself.”

I couldn’t put this book down and read it from start to finish during my train journey the other day when I was meant to be doing the writing I had brought with me! More of a thriller your usual teen book, and I was amazed to find out at the end that the idea came from a true news story. However, along with the pacey plot, there was the right amount of vivid description and emotions in the writing, so I really felt part of it.

A highly recommended read!

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