When I Grow Up

Behind the Scenes at Hollow Crown filming

On Monday I luckily heard through Facebook that Benedict Cumberbatch, along with other amazing actors such as Michael Gambon and Judi Dench were filming the next series of The Hollow Crown nearby! By chance, my daughter had an orthodontist appointment after school there, so of course we stopped by to have a good old nose.

 There’s nothing more exciting than being on a film set! We got to see Benedict Cumberbatch be crowned as Richard 3rd and all the tricks they do with smoke and lighting. The most exciting for me was seeing all the wonderful medieval costumes. I wanted to stare and stroke, but that would probably have creeped out the actors somewhat and result in me being removed.



(This picture from Wells Journal)

I wasn’t allowed to take photos inside, but I took a few on the set outside – unfortunately I recently acquired a hand-me-down phone and I hadn’t got used to the camera settings so most of them are awfully blurred. Such a pity. I’ll try and go back later this week to see if they’re still there!


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