An offical toy from scooby Doo. I think is costs about £15; I bought it for my daughter’s 6th birthday.
I hope this review will be particularly useful for all those mothers who were sucked in by the ready steady cook range of toys. This isn’t an ordinary kitchen appliance in a different colour and double the price. But this isn’t exactly a cookie maker either. It is more like a food scruncher! What you do is pour in ingredients like cornflakes, broken biscuits and chocolate chips; turn the handle round and round so it all becomes crumbs. It lands in a little bowl, in which you put a layer of jam (otherwise the other ingredients won’t stick together) and press down the presser (though you’re lucky if you can tell what the picture pressed into it is supposed to be. Then you leave it in the fridge to set for 20 minutes and voila! There’s your cookie! The reality is more like Voila! There’s your little pile of crumbs stuck together with jam!
But because the process of making the ‘cookie’ is so easy, a child as young as 5 or 6 can easily make this with a bare minimum of help from a parent. Nice and easy for the parent too – all you have to do is clear up the spilt breakfast cereal, and eat the left over chocolate chips. So actually, I really would recommend this toy. It is a bit sticky, but you can just imagine the fun the kids will have putting all kinds of food from your cupboard into these Scooby snacks!
Scooby snacks cookie maker
claire gailor
July 18, 2009I got one for my boys a few years back and lost the recipe book forgot what you had to put in it so now they can use it again thank you .