On the last day of winter term at Junior school everyone else loved our Christmas treat : We watched a film in the hall and were given an ice cream wafer sandwich. The problem is I don’t like ice cream (I know, I know) and I was brought up to accept what you’re given graciously. One year I told the dinner lady that I don’t like ice cream and she told me not be so ungrateful and gave it to me anyway (why were dinner ladies so horrible?). I’d try to eat the ice cream, I really would, but every year I’d sit there in misery with sticky melted ice cream all over my hands. So I don’t have particularly fond memories of those films – one of which was Snow White….
Fortunately my kids had the luxury of watching Disney dvds from the comfort of our own settee and Snow White was my youngest daughter’s favourite ever. So at this dressing-up time of year, I had a look around for some Snow-white costumes…

Snow White costume
This is a stunning luxury adult costume by JustOneStep. Check out their other amazing Disney inspired outfits too.
If you’re going for a more traditional, less Disney-fied version of Snow White, take a look at this lovely outfit by Heritage Dressmakers. :
The shades of green are beautiful and I love the red touches on the arms.
And if a ripped up Zombie alternative Snow White costume is what you’re looking for, then maybe Oshun’s costume at the top is just the thing.