I couldn’t believe it was time for one of these fairs again. They’re only twice a year, but they seem to rock around far more often than that! They’re in Glastonbury town hall and I usually go to every one if I can because it’s so full of such interesting stalls…
Usually this fair is packed full, and it was last weekend on the Saturday when my daughter went, but I arrived at Sunday lunch time and it was the quietest

A knight at the fairy fair
I’ve ever seen it; so there’s a tip for you if you’re uncomfortable in crowds. It was really lovely actually to be able to move about more freely than usual and be able to see the stalls more clearly. On the down-side, I feel more awkward looking at the stalls when I’m the only one there as I feel like I’m being watched by the stallholders. When they made the crafts themselves, I feel like they think I’m judging their products, which just feels uncomfortable, whether that’s really the case or not!
The stalls were of excellent quality as usual, and I would recommend a visit to this fair because you really don’t find these items in the High Street, even in Glastonbury! One of my favourite regular stalls is Driftwood Hollow. My daughter bought a wonderful headband with horns and flowers decorating it last year from there, and she gets so many compliments whenever she wears it. I don’t know whether they sold out, or have decided not to make more, but this year they were selling lovely velvet fairy hoods, bags and pretty flower hairclips. Checkout their facebook page.

Beautiful Fairy Dolls
I had a quick chat to the maker of these stunning dolls. If I can make human-sized dresses anywhere near as pretty as the ones these wear, I shall be pleased. Juggling time around her kids, it takes a full day to make a fairy. When I have the funds, I will definitely invest in one or more from Enchanted Oaks because they really look how I would imagine fairies to look and I love their faces.
Another favourite stall is the Punk Faery Artworks. Last year I bought a steampunk feather hairclip and I

Fairy accessories
absolutely love it. I really should have spent more time looking at her table because I wish I’d bought something else now! The website is here, so I can at least take another look online.
I think it’s a bit overwhelming when you walk into Glastonbury town hall and find it packed full of beautiful things; every one of which you would gladly buy if you had the money. I should’ve had a look round; left the hall to wonder round the High Street or get a cup of hot chocolate, and then gone back in again a little more mentally prepared! The hall, with it’s huge chandeliers and history is a lovely building to be in, but I do wish the fair could be in a bigger hall somewhere, so perhaps I didn’t feel so closed in – particularly when the crowds arrive.

Avalon Fairy Fair
Entrance is free by the way, so it really is worth going to Glastonbury for and having a look around. There is always a face-painter who does beautiful designs, so fairy fans will love that; and by all means, have the fun of dressing up, but avoid large fairy wings – there just isn’t the room to wear them! Karen Kay is the organiser, and on the Saturday night there is a fun frolicky fairy ball which I’ve heard has such a wonderful friendly atmosphere.
In the past I’ve come away from the fairy fair with a variety of goodies including jewellery, horns and signed Brian Froud books. Oh that reminds me – if you’re going specifically to see Wendy or Brian Froud, it might be worth trying to contact them directly, or perhaps asking Karen to find out when exactly they’re going to be there. On Saturday when Rain was there, he was doing a talk about the costumes of one of my favourite films, Labyrinth (which I would’ve loved to have gone to, but couldn’t) and he wasn’t there when I was on Sunday either, so it’s probably worth checking.
This time I bought a book called The Illustrated Guide to the Elements by Jenna Whyte. I expect I’ll review the book properly once I’ve read it, but I was so pleased because I love her art and have stood in front of her stall before wondering which print to buy. Her A4 prints are a bargain £5 by the way, but Chris and I are extremely picky about the art on our walls and as it wouldn’t be to his taste really, I haven’t bought any. So I was so pleased I could buy the book instead, which includes many of her paintings and also interesting writing which combines fantasy and science.
On my way back to the car I held my camera through the gap in the iron railings to take this photo of Glastonbury Abbey. It was a lovely spring day.

Glastonbury Abbey
Have you been to the Avalon fairy fair or a different craft fair recently? Let me know what fabulous items you bought.