I still haven’t worked out what to do when I grow up! I’m mainly a writer, an artist, and a fairytale dressmaker with various crafty hobbies! Here (and on YouTube) I share bits of my life, thoughts, and what I’m learning along the way. Let’s find magic and inspiration; join me for this creative living adventure!



Should I stop vlogging?

YouTube new requirements

You might already know that I had a go at Vlogmas last year (It feels weird saying ‘last year’!) on my You Tube channel. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, ‘Vlogmas’ is a You Tube challenge to put up a vlog (video log) (Just in case my parents are reading this!) every day of December up until Christmas. I reached as far as day nineteen and sadly I had to give up. Even though I use an external hard-drive for the videos to free memory space; my old laptop just couldn’t keep up. Whenever I tried to edit my videos the mouse would freeze or go really slowly and the whole thing became impossible. Well Chris has been telling me for a while I needed to upgrade, and I have been coveting the pink macbook and I have finally bought one. Hooray! I can get back to video editing!
Anyway, the question is, now that Vlogmas is over and I’ve nearly caught up on editing the videos; should I carry on?

I think daily vlogging is out of the question for me. Firstly, my life is just not interesting enough! At Christmas there are a lot more interesting things to do or visit than my normal life the rest of the year could keep up with. Secondly, I just found it too time consuming and if I had to choose between writing or videoing, I’d definitely choose writing, and writing this blog takes up all my time when I’m not working. However, I did enjoy making the videos; and I enjoyed the first vlog I made when we had a little trip to Cornwall, and I particularly like having visual memories to look back on. So I’m going to try weekly vlogging ie. condense a whole week into one short video. It pretty much solves all the other problems! So, as of tomorrow, I will be picking up my camera every now and then and give it a go.

Did you do Vlogmas? If so, are you missing it or glad to see the back of it?!

Me Vlogging

Me Vlogging

Musings and ramblings, Writing,

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Jaime @angloyankophile

I admire anyone who has a vlog! A few of my readers have asked me to start a YouTube channel but … I don’t think I could keep up. There’s SO much work involved! But I can see the appeal of it too. I think you should do it if you feel like it, but not beat yourself up about not posting too regularly if you don’t manage it! But balance is always the hardest thing to achieve.



Hi! Thank you for leaving a comment 🙂 It’s the editing of the video that’s so time-consuming, which is the biggest difficulty. I have got a little quicker by doing Vlogmas though! Maybe you should have a go?!
Yes I agree about the balance – just like with posts for this blog, I have far more ideas for new videos than I have time to do, unfortunately. It’s all fun though 🙂


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