I still haven’t worked out what to do when I grow up! I’m mainly a writer, an artist, and a fairytale dressmaker with various crafty hobbies! Here (and on YouTube) I share bits of my life, thoughts, and what I’m learning along the way. Let’s find magic and inspiration; join me for this creative living adventure!


Monthly Archives

October 2014

Guy Fawkes Night attire
October 22, 2014
I’m not sure my American readers will know who Guy Fawkes was, so just in case, here’s a little history lesson: Some guy called Guy Fawkes wanted a Catholic king, so on November 5th 1605  he attempted to blow up the House of Lords. He was caught, tortured and died for his trouble, and for some unknown reason, we celebrate this failed attempt at rebellion. We Brits love a tryer I suppose. So every year we have bonfires and fireworks displays and pretend it’s warm enough for a barbecue in the dark – usually run by the local Scout group…
Snow White Costumes
October 14, 2014
On the last day of winter term at Junior school everyone else loved our Christmas treat :  We watched a film in the hall and were given an ice cream wafer sandwich. The problem is I don’t like ice cream (I know, I know) and I was brought up to accept what you’re given graciously. One year I told the dinner lady that I don’t like ice cream and she told me not be so ungrateful and gave it to me anyway (why were dinner ladies so horrible?). I’d try to eat the ice cream, I really would, but every year I’d sit there in misery with sticky melted ice cream all over my hands. So I don’t have particularly fond memories of those films – one of which was Snow White….
Farm Festival review, Bruton, Somerset
October 2, 2014
Oh my goodness – apologies for not posting in absolutely ages! One of the first things I was busy with was Farm Festival  which took place 1st – 2nd August. This review is from a trader’s point of view. We arrived about lunch time the day before the festival opened, and set to work putting together our stall. I don’t know how it took so long to do this, but it managed to take several hours! Although we were ready by nightfall, we quickly realised that the festival wasn’t anywhere near ready….
Instagram did not return a 200.