I still haven’t worked out what to do when I grow up! I’m mainly a writer, an artist, and a fairytale dressmaker with various crafty hobbies! Here (and on YouTube) I share bits of my life, thoughts, and what I’m learning along the way. Let’s find magic and inspiration; join me for this creative living adventure!



Happy 12th Birthday WickedFaerie blog!

Blog12I know! I couldn’t believe it either! Twelve years I’ve been writing here. Admittedly, it’s not always been with the most regularity in the world, but if you’ve been following me for a while, you will have noticed a few recent changes. The main one being, I am now updating two to three times a week if I can. I’d really like to make this a place you’ll want to come back to often to see what I’m writing about…

I started back in April 2004 mainly with reviews, but it has grown into something more generally entitled lifestyle, with maybe an emphasis on creativity. So I’ve started a new regular feature where I interview an artist and find out about their business as well as their craft. My sister, Jane Mucklow, who is a photographer will be my first candidate! I’ll also be talking more about my own photography, and if it’s an interest of yours as well, I hope I’ll inspire and maybe even teach a little along the way.

There are a few other new categories at the top of the page, so it has taken quite a bit of time re-organising all my posts to fit into the correct place. If you spot anything amiss, please add a comment or e-mail me (helen@wickedfaerie.co.uk) and I’ll fix it asap. Another new one is the ‘Tutorials and How to’s‘ under Art and Craft. I haven’t done many of these before, but aim to write at least one every month from now on. I made a simple pair of steampunk arm-warmers last week, so I’ll add that post soon. If you’ve come here through knowing me on Etsy with my WickedFaerieGifts shop, or my Oshun shops; if there’s anything on there that you’d like to know more about, then please let me know!

I will still continue with my little reviews on film and books and such-like. I kind of think that as you get to know a blogger and their general opinions on stuff, and if you agree with them mostly, then you might trust their entertainment recommendations. My point is, I’m hoping they’ll be useful for you.

I’m interested in style – for the home as well as for the clothing we put over our bodies, so I’ll be blogging more with pictures and ideas that hopefully you can use. I’m not high-end by the way – this should mainly be stuff that’s attainable rather than aspirational.

The travel section will be added to rather sporadically as until I’m famous enough to be given free holidays (I can dream can’t I?); I’ll probably only be writing there once or twice a year. If I’m writing several posts about a place, I’ll spread them out a bit so you don’t get bored. Later this year I’m doing a road trip from New York to New Orleans to Florida, so that will give me plenty to write about. (I’m so flipping excited I can’t tell you!). I also have some reviews in notebooks from past holidays that I will type up shortly.

By the way, the cake in the picture is my favourite – pineapple and walnut – I’ll post the recipe soon.

Please use the comments to let me know what you’d like to see more of in this blog. Do you like the new look? Any suggestions are welcome. Also, do let me know if you are a creative (slight cringe at using the word ‘creative’ as a noun) who would like to be interviewed. Hopefully it will drive more traffic your way as well as giving me interesting content – win win!

Please click that Bloglovin button up there on the right to get notified when I update. And I’m really hoping to get to the grand number (one for every year) of twelve followers on my new facebook page; if you fancy popping over there to give it a like, it really would be appreciated. (Sorry to be a bit of an attention whore at the moment, but I’m really trying to make a go of this blogging thing!) Thanks everyone. And here’s to another dozen: cheers!


Musings and ramblings, Writing,
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