I still haven’t worked out what to do when I grow up! I’m mainly a writer, an artist, and a fairytale dressmaker with various crafty hobbies! Here (and on YouTube) I share bits of my life, thoughts, and what I’m learning along the way. Let’s find magic and inspiration; join me for this creative living adventure!



The story of the photographs – Glastonbury Festival 2016

You are probably aware by now that this year’s Glastonbury Festival was quite a muddy one! Unfortunately I can’t find anywhere to buy camera cases that fit my Panasonic Lumix GM1 when it has a long zoom lens attached. So, as I have a sturdy leather case for the kit lens that came with it – 12-32mm (24-64 equiv) – I decided not to risk damaging my others. It was a good decision because the cover did get quite a bit of mud on it! However it means my photography was a bit limited this year. Not just by the lens, but unless you were there, I don’t think you can ever understand what it’s like to try and get around in that thickness of mud. It is almost up to your knees in places and sucks you down like it’s superglue, so even just taking a few footsteps to the right to get the best angle simply isn’t doable, let alone running to the most photogenic field when the sun sets! So I didn’t get as many good photos as I would have liked, but here are the best ones….

Glastonbury Festival Fireworks

Glastonbury Festival Fireworks

Bigger and better than ever this year, we watched the triple effect fireworks on Wednesday night in our garden with a glass of wine. I’m glad they are now spread over three fields as it was getting almost impossible to get out of the Sacred Space when they were finished as so many people arrive on Wednesday and have nowhere else to go. The crush of people was one of the reasons we decided to watch from a distance this year.


Sculpture art at Glastonbury

Sculpture art at Glastonbury

This sort of thing is so normal at Glastonbury Festival, you almost forget to notice it! I wish the people who made these things got more recognition for their work.


Fun in the Circus Field at Glastonbury

Fun in the Circus Field at Glastonbury

They’ve got the whole world in their hands.


Sculpture at Glastonbury

Sculpture at Glastonbury

Just a giant translucent whale over our heads.


In Silver Hayes dance field at Glastonbury

In Silver Hayes dance field at Glastonbury

Passing through Silver Hayes and had to stop and take a picture of these fine fellows.


By the Other Stage at Glastonbury

By the Other Stage at Glastonbury

The flags at Glastonbury Festival are amazing. Goodness knows how long it takes to put them all up. I also saw Aiden Turner walk past while I was sitting there, but sadly wasn’t quick enough to get a photo.


Circus Field, Glastonbury

Circus Field, Glastonbury

There is so much more to do at Glastonbury Festival rather than just watch bands, and hanging around in the circus field is one of my favourite places to be.

Tight rope walker

Tight rope walker


Corinne Bailey Rae at Glastonbury

Corinne Bailey Rae at Glastonbury


Entrance to The Park at Glastonbury

Entrance to The Park at Glastonbury

This one is at the lower end, and the picture at the top of this post was taken from the top of the park. It is a lovely atmosphere there, but it’s a shame it’s such a long way away!


Flags by West Holts Stage, Glastonbury

Flags by West Holts Stage, Glastonbury

As I was leaving Underworld playing I was amazed how many colours were still in the sky and how well they matched the flags.


Flags in the Green Futures Field

Flags in the Green Futures Field


Sunset from the Avalon Field

Sunset from the Avalon Field


Pretty mirror stall at night at Glastonbury

Pretty mirror stall at night at Glastonbury


Tiny Tea Tent at Glastonbury

Tiny Tea Tent at Glastonbury


Pyramid Stage during Coldplay

Pyramid Stage during Coldplay

This photo doesn’t begin to explain the amazing atmosphere that was generated throughout the field while Coldplay was on. They never fail in putting on a good show!

My equipment:

There are a few more photos illustrating my full review of Glastonbury Festival 2016. And I also videoed quite a bit, which I’ll be editing soon, so please subscribe to my You Tube channel so you don’t miss that 🙂

Are you going to any festivals this year?


Photography, UK,
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