I still haven’t worked out what to do when I grow up! I’m mainly a writer, an artist, and a fairytale dressmaker with various crafty hobbies! Here (and on YouTube) I share bits of my life, thoughts, and what I’m learning along the way. Let’s find magic and inspiration; join me for this creative living adventure!


Blog Archives

Late January Sales shopping – Next, New Look, Joe Browns, Joules & Weird Fish
February 6, 2017
I don’t like crowds; particularly in the shops when the January sales start. However, I absolutely LOVE a bargain! So, if I have the funds, I would sometimes go shopping the first week the kids had gone back to school, so at least I wouldn’t be fighting with them along the sales rails! Lately though, I haven’t specifically gone out of my way to go shopping in the sales, but I passed by New Look the other day and bought a couple of things. Then I was seduced by the Joe Browns catalogue that appeared on my doorstep, so I bought a couple of things from there online. Then, I was at Clark’s Village in Street to look for boots for Chris, when I ended up buying a few things there. Ooops!….
Weekly Wardrobe – Tweed steampunk
January 16, 2017
We were invited to visit the home of the Gibbs family at Tyntesfield Manor in the year 1891. (It was a National Trust event.) Of course, we took the opportunity to go for a theme with our outfits that day! I didn’t have much in the way of late Victorian clothing, so I decided to go for a bit of a steampunk look instead. It was an early start to ensure we could get tickets into the house, so in the hour we had to wait our turn, it was the perfect opportunity to wonder the grounds and take photos….
Weekly Wardrobe – Christmas Party
January 9, 2017
I’m back with my regular Weekly Wardrobe feature, in the outfit I wore for our village Writers’ Group Christmas party. It was far too late in the day for photos outside, so we rigged up this handmade background (more on that another day) and a studio flash set-up. It was a pretty muddy day, so I only have socks on as I wore wellies to walk to and back from the party, and just had socks on while I was there as I knew it would just be sitting round a table and no-one would see my feet anyway! I couldn’t think of any stand-in party shoes at the last minute, so here I am, authentically in my socks!
Weekly Wardrobe – Christmas Concert
December 12, 2016
This week I was part of our Village Voices Christmas Concert – the event of the year for our community choir! Our dress code was black bottoms and a brightly coloured top. The black bottom half was easy – I had several options, but not so many bright tops to choose from in my wardrobe; particularly smart ones. Then I remembered a jacket I have that just screams Christmas; so I went with that! I didn’t leave myself enough time to be photographed on the actual evening of the concert, so I re-created the look yesterday by the Bishop’s Palace in Wells.
Weekly wardrobe – gothic circus look for a beach walk!
October 10, 2016
Rain chose a walk on the beach as her family activity for her birthday, so yesterday afternoon we drove over to Brean and parked up past all the tacky arcades to as near to the cliff as you can get. It’s a handy carpark with a National Trust shop, cafe, and (most importantly) loos. Sunny and hot one minute and cloudy with a chilly wind the next, it was difficult to know what to wear. I opted for layers with a steampunk circusy vibe; and why not? ….
How to style a simple grey t-shirt
September 26, 2016
You don’t need me to tell you how to style a grey t-shirt – it goes with everything: jeans or any style trousers; any length, colour or design of skirt; or under dungarees or pinafore dresses. However, I do want to suggest that’s it’s a much more flexible than the plain white t-shirt. White doesn’t really suit me anyway – I have fair skin with a cool tone, so white tends to wash me out, whereas grey basically somehow makes me look a bit better! Here’s a couple of outfits with the same t-shirt. They were taken a couple of months apart from each other, and when I picked out the purple skirt, I had totally forgotten the previous outfit also had purple bottoms. Never mind, second to dusky blush pink, purple is my next favourite colour to wear with grey…..
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